The BIG problem with Sales Calls

Sales is a non-negotiable skill.

If your business does not have sales coming in,

your business will go OUT of business.

I want to help you avoid that!

Have you ever gotten off a sales call and thought:

“That was a royal waste of time”


“That was horrible”


“I need to find people who can AFFORD me”

If you’re trying to figure out WHAT to offer, WHEN to sell it, and HOW much you should charge — my recommendation is to get on a call with some people you believe have the problem you know how to solve.

The amount of primary market research is worth every minute — but you’ve got to do it right (there’s sooooo many ways to eff this up).

The PROBLEM is, most of us don’t set ourselves up for success ON the call.

  • Stop waiting until the call to start connecting (look them up before)
  • Start by outlining WHAT you want to ask them (have a list of meaningful questions)
  • Stop letting the call go “over-time” (you can do SO much education BEFORE the call — and that pre-call framing is one step you do NOT want to miss)

We get on the phone with NO plan, spend way too much time, and say “Sales Calls Suck”.

The point is that when you have a sales call, you’re finding out more information, and then you’re taking the next best step, TOGETHER. But you’re also retaining that role of the trusted advisor.

Permission Slip: just because you get on a sales call with someone does NOT mean you have to MAKE an offer

I see so many amazing, smart, professional women not wanting to ask questions because they feel like if they do they’re going to be too salesy, too pushy or they’re going to feel like they’re going to force somebody into something.

Or WORSE getting on the phone and feeling like they “need to be perky” or “trying to show they know what they’re talking about”. I CALL BS!!

Just be YOU.

You are already smart enough and your normal personality is exactly what you need to show. “Trying” to act a certain way will just EXHAUST you.

You are simply asking questions so that you can do your best to advise them.

Say this before your next call “I can set aside 15 minutes to hop on a call so that I can get the full picture about what’s happening and then I’ll give you my best advice, even if it’s not me”.

How does that feel?

MY GOAL: maintaining the relationship over everything else

Know this: Every person you connect with is one of the 3 C’s.

Either a Connector, a Collaborator or a Client and often, over the course of your relationship together they will become all three.

Start with my FREE Training today (while it’s still free)



Renee Hribar - Sales Coach for Women

Million Dollar Sales Strategist to Coaches, Freelancers & Agencies , TEDx Speaker, Get my FREE Sales Training