Has this ever happened to you (or a friend)?

  • You have been in LEARNING mode
  • Maybe you’ve recently been certified in a NEW Skill
  • You want to start CHARGING more

But . . . what to OFFER?

(and WHO do you know that has that kind of budget?)

I’ve got your back!!

That’s what I do.

Here are 3 ACTIONS to AVOID getting STUCK :

1. You don’t need to have your offer fully mapped out to START the conversation. That’s right. Getting on the phone for a quick 15-minute chat with someone you met in a group (in-person or online) is a great way to get to know more about them and how they describe their problems.

I call this primary market research.

The PROBLEM here is that you might say a price, and once the project starts, see it’s WAY bigger than you thought. . . and now the scope creep begins and soon the resentment will follow.


You do NOT have to make an OFFER to someone just because you get on the phone with them

What CAN you do?

Let the buzzer ring on the first call (do not go “OVER” on the time you set out for a call) and set up another time to talk more formally about what their NEXT best step might be. Become their trusted advisor and genuinely give them YOUR best ADVICE. Then whether you work together or not, you’re BOTH working toward positive outcomes together.

If/when they ask, “what do you charge?” I can honestly say “that depends, but I want to make sure I get the full picture of what YOU’RE experiencing so that I can give you my best advice — even if it’s NOT me”.

2. You know more people than you think (and I would bet my bottom dollar you ALREADY know your next client).

The PROBLEM: You are telling yourself THIS story:

“They know what I do, if they needed me, they’d reach out . . . I need to go find NEW people”

All the while — the people YOU know who truly need YOU and have the budget to pay YOU are telling THEMSELVES this story:

“She knows me — if she could help me, she’d reach out and tell me”

PERMISSION SLIP: Please invite those “biz buddies” to hear about your current offer — or one you are brainstorming — even if all you ask for is them to LOOK at it and give any feedback.

What CAN you do?

“Hey friend, I’m about to announce this new offer next week. Can I send you the link to check it out and get some “friendly eyes” on it?”

3. It’s NEVER about the PRICE . . . it’s about the VALUE the potential customer places on YOU and YOUR solution.

Too many smart business owners I now forget how MUCH they know. They believe the customer knows what they know and is coming to them as an EDUCATED buyer. WRONG.

Your potential customer could be a very educated person, but they don’t work in YOUR specific area of business day in and day out like YOU do. They do NOT know what is coming for them. They have unrealistic expectations. They don’t know the minutia that will have to go into what they THINK they need.

So — for the LOVE of all things holy PLEASE do not ASSUME they know what you know.

PERMISSION SLIP: Before you have a call or send a proposal — EDUCATE them — check their knowledge. Ask them questions and see what they say — even if you think you know what they’ll say — I bet you’ll be surprised how much MORE you know. AND THAT will help you establish VALUE.

For example — have you ever bought jewelry? Until I was properly educated by a certified gemologist I would have NEVER realized the VALUE of the stone I was interested in. See? Mismanaged expectations and even though I had purchased other jewelry, I really didn’t understand what I was asking for. Remember “An educated consumer is YOUR best customer” (so educate them)!

What CAN you do?

Say “I’m going to send you a few links before our call so I can bring you up to speed on what’s happening right now in the industry. You probably know all of this already but do me a favor and open the links.”

1, 2, 3 see how EASY that is?

If this feels challenging or like you don’t even know WHERE to begin . . . You are NOT alone!! This is what I walk clients through every.single.week.

  • They are growing, evolving and pivoting.
  • They are realizing they are worth so.much.more.
  • They are ready to start taking action and stop playing small.

Check out the super interesting conversations with 4,000 like-minded business owners from around the world happening RIGHT NOW in my FREE Community:

You never know . . . your next client might be in there chatting, looking for someone JUST LIKE YOU right now.



Renee Hribar - Sales Coach for Women

Million Dollar Sales Strategist to Coaches, Freelancers & Agencies , TEDx Speaker, Get my FREE Sales Training