Decompress from Stress

Have you ever tried meditation?

When I sold my first company in 2006 after a decade of 90 hour work weeks and 70,000 air miles a year — I knew I needed to DECOMPRESS.

I found the closest YOGA studio and took every class that was available.

There were weekend certifications for Reiki and Meditation that led to 28 Day juice Fasts, and making my own Kombucha.

I was at the Yoga Studio SO MUCH the owner asked if I wanted to BUY it . . .I said no — but I did want to take Yoga Teacher training to deepen my practice.

And after 8 months I earned my 200 Hour Hatha Yoga Certification.

The next year — at New Year — I chose to “celebrate” by attending a 10 Day Silent Vipassana Meditation.

It changed my life.

The year after that when It was discovered that I had skin cancer and it was right in the middle of my face, my strong meditation practice helped me get through the MOHS surgery (which is only a LOCAL anesthetic) I can still feel the thread lacing over the parts of my face that weren’t numbed … and the BLOOD ….ugh the BLOOD. Lots of blood…

That was the first time the medical doctors alerted me to my blood clotting issues (that was all apart of my infertility issues — another story for another day)

So yes, meditation has held a MAJOR role in my life.

It’s so much more than “trying to clear my mind”

It’s NOTICING what IS. . .

WITHOUT reacting … instantly.

It has become a powerful tool on and OFF the yoga mat (or meditation pillow)

Having patience with myself

Having patience with my son

Difficult Relationships

Business interactions

It helps all of the time!


There are so many “apps” and YouTube is full of information . . . but if you want to know who I trust TODAY with how to exercise my meditation muscles, it’s Energy Alchemist Irena Chace Miller — she is PhD level in hours of training and practice.

I learn SO much from her every time I treat myself to one of her workshops or sessions.

*I am one of her biggest fans — seriously — check her out!


Photo credit: Poolside at the house I rented for a Mastermind Retreat I hosted in Sedona last year (we had just finished a photo shoot) and what we didn’t know when this was taken was that I’d be heading to urgent care in about an hour because I got bit by something and my hand swelled up like a balloon — Irena had to help me hold the pen to sign my name for insurance!

She is literally the best!!

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Renee Hribar - Sales Coach for Women

Million Dollar Sales Strategist to Coaches, Freelancers & Agencies , TEDx Speaker, Get my FREE Sales Training